This page contains some examples of documents from previous Cochrane priority setting processes or from external organisations. We hope these provide some guidance and ideas for different steps in the prioritisation process but they will need to be altered in the context of your situation.
Developing a prioritisation plan
The Cochrane Priority Setting Guidance Note provides guidance for the minimum requirements of a priority setting process.
Priority Setting Plans
- Eyes and Vision (2021)
- Cochrane Airways (2019)
- Cochrane Breast Cancer (2019)
- Cochrane Consumers and Communication (2015 draft plan)
- Cochrane Haematology (2020)
- Cochrane Oral Health (2018)
- Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care (2019)
• Timeline and project plan from the James Lind Alliance prioritisation guidebook. This might help think about some of the tasks required during prioritisation.
Publishing the intention to complete priority setting
Publishing the intention to complete a priority setting plan can be completed by advertising through the:
• 'Current Cochrane Group Priority Setting Projects' webpage. The page contains details of current Cochrane prioritisation projects and details for how to submit your project at the bottom of the page.
• Individual Group or Network website; examples from Cochrane Epilepsy, Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care and Cochrane Oral Health.
Engaging with stakeholders
The Partnership guidance for Cochrane groups provides to tools to help think about which stakeholder partnerships might be useful to develop.
Choosing a method
The methods use will depending on your plan. Methods include but are not limited to, workshops, surveys, consensus processes etc.
Priority setting workshops
Online surveys

Writing up the process
Documenting the methods and results of the priority setting process is important for transparency and to let stakeholders know the outcomes of the process.
Writing up an internal report or for the website
Writing up for publication
• Cochrane Consumers and Communication
- First stage of the priority setting process: an international survey of consumers and other stakeholders.
- Second stage of priority setting process: refining initial topics through workshops with consumers and healthcare practitioners.
- Evaluation of priority setting process: how the process and outcomes were evaluated.