Stakeholder mapping tools
These tools may be useful in thinking about how to engage stakeholders in the priority setting process.
- Manafo E., Petermann L., Vandall-Walker V. et al (2018) Patient and public engagement in priority setting: A systematic rapid review of the literature. PLOS One 13 (3).
- A series of articles on stakeholder engagement in priority setting is available at the Cochrane Priority Setting Methods Group website
There are also resources to help partnership development available in the Meaningful Partnership section of this website.
Developing a plan and choosing methods
These resources provide an overview of advantages and disadvantages of various priority setting methods, as well as approaches to ranking and criteria used to develop a research agenda:
- Akl E. et al. (2017) The SPARK Tool to prioritise questions for systematic reviews in health policy and systems research: development and initial validation. Health Research Policy and Systems 15: 77
- Bryant J. et al (2014) Health research priority setting in selected high income countries: a narrative review of methods used and recommendations for future practice. Cost effectiveness and Resource Allocation 12:23
- COHRED (2010) Priority setting for research for health. A management process for countries. Step 3: Choosing the best method
- Fadlallah R. et al. (2020) A common framework of steps and criteria for prioritizing topics for evidence syntheses: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 120: 67-85
- Tong A et al. (2017) Research priority setting in organ transplantation: a systematic review. Transplant International 30(4):327-343.
- Tong A et al. (2019) Reporting guideline for priority setting of health research (REPRISE). BMC Medical Research Methodology 19: 243
- Viergever (2010) A checklist for health research priority setting: nine common themes of good practice. Health Res Pol & Sys 8:36
The James Lind Alliance (JLA) is a non-profit making initiative which brings patients, carers and clinicians together in Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs). It aims to make sure that health research funders are aware of the issues that matter most to the people who need to use the research in their everyday lives. Their website contains information and guides to the process they use for priority setting.
Considering Equity in priority setting
The following paper provides a checklist of things to think about when considering equity during a priority setting process.
- Nasser M. et al (2013) An equity lens can ensure an equity-oriented approach to agenda setting and priority setting of Cochrane Reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 66(5): 511-21.
Evaluate the process, monitor implementation and decide when priorities need to be revisited
These resources provide information on how to evaluate if the priority setting process has been successful:
- Sibbald S. et al (2009) Priority setting: what constitutes success? A conceptual framework for successful priority setting. BMC Health Serv Res 9:43
- Barasa EW. (2015) Setting healthcare priorities at the macro and meso levels: A framework for evaluation. Int J Health Policy Manag 2015, 4 (11), 719-732
- Caron-Flinterman JF. (2006) Stakeholder participation in health research agenda setting: the case of asthma and COPD research in the Netherlands. Science and Public Policy, Volume 33, number 4, 291-304