If your Cochrane group is looking to develop new partnerships, review existing partnerships, or even to conclude a partnership, here are some resources which may help you.
Partnership Guidance Note for Cochrane Groups
The Knowledge Translation Partnerships Working Group has developed guidance to help Cochrane Groups develop, strengthen and maintain meaningful partnerships. This gives information and guidance on:
- How to define the objectives of the partnership
- Processes for identifying and mapping potential partners
- Developing and maintaining partnerships
- How to measure success of a partnership
- How to conclude a partnership
Guidance includes references to additional resources (published tools and external websites).
Consumers as partners
Cochrane has developed an online learning resource, Involving People, for systematic review editors and authors to support them in getting people involved in the production of reviews (including Cochrane Consumers: patients, their families and carers, as well as other members of the public; and health care teams). The resource is a 'one-stop-shop' to find out best practice and practical suggestions for finding and involving people throughout the review process.
Partnership Policy
Cochrane has a Partnership Policy which provides definitions and more guidance for Cochrane Groups who are interested in working with external partners.
Formalizing partnerships
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a good way of formalising a partnership. A template has been developed for Groups to use.
An alternative for formalising a partnership would be to develop a ‘Terms of Reference’ document between the two partners. Here is an example produced by Cochrane Canada.
'About Cochrane' Toolkit
'About Cochrane' Toolkit in our brand resources can be used when introducing potential partners to our work.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Cochrane has a Conflicts of Interest Policy. It is important that any potential conflicts of interests are considered when looking at possible partnerships.