How well are Cochrane reviews incorporating non-randomised studies of interventions (NRSI)? Lessons learnt from a scoping review [February 2025] *Methods Support Unit web clinic*
Emma Axon, Evidence Synthesis Methodology Editor, Methods Support Unit, Cochrane.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Comparing test accuracy: from pairwise to network meta-analysis of tests [April 2021]
Yemisi Takwoingi, Biostatistician and Professor of Test Evaluation & Evidence Synthesis, University of Birmingham, UK
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
“Narrative synthesis” of quantitative effect data in Cochrane reviews: current issues and ways forward [February 2020]
Dr Hilary Thomson, co-ordinating editor of Cochrane Public Health, Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow
Mhairi Campbell, Systematic Reviewer, University of Glasgow
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Introducing systematic reviews of prognosis studies to Cochrane: what and how? [September 2018]
Carl Moons, clinical epidemiologist and co-convenor of the Prognosis Methods Group
Lotty Hooft, co-director of Cochrane Netherlands and member of the Prognosis Methods Group
Anneke Damen, coordinator of the Prognosis Methods Group
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
Scoping reviews: what they are and how you can do them [August 2017]
Andrea C. Tricco, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Kafayat Oboirien, Centre for Health Policy, University of the Witwatersrand
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
Knowledge synthesis for knowledge users [July 2017]
Andrea C. Tricco, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada
Suresh Babu M., Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
G. Arun Kumar, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
Adverse effects 2: Searching for adverse effects [May 2017]
Su Golder, Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
Adverse effects 1: How to overcome the challenge of reviewing adverse effects [April 2017]
Yoon Loke, Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
Introducing Living Systematic Reviews [March 2017]
Annie Synnot, Cochrane Australia, Monash University
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
Making sense in systematic reviews of complex interventions [February 2018]
Dr Jeremy Grimshaw, Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Professor, Department of Medicine University of Ottawa, Board Chair Campbell Collaboration, Cochrane editor and author
Kristin Danko, PhD Candidate in Epidemiology, University of Ottawa, Canada
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]