1. Methods
Introduction to diagnostic test accuracy network meta-analysis [November 2024]
Sofia Tsokani, Statistical Editor, Methods Support Unit, Cochrane CET
Areti-Angeliki Veroniki, Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. Co-Convenor, Cochrane Statistical Methods Group
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Component network meta-analysis: concepts and insights [March 2024] *Methods Support Unit web clinic*
Sofia Tsokani, Statistics Editor, Cochrane's Methods Support Unit.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Answering complex hierarchy questions in network meta-analysis [November 2022]
Adriani Nikolakopoulou, University of Freiburg, Germany
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Updated GRADE guidance for imprecision rating using a minimally contextualized approach [September 2022]
Dr. Linan Zeng, Guideline methodologist, McMaster University and West China Second University Hospital.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Writing up reviews with network meta analysis [July 2022] *Methods Support Unit web clinic*
Kerry Dwan, Methods Support Unit
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Interpreting results of network meta-analyses: the GRADE minimally contextualized approach [July 2022]
Dr Gordon Guyatt, Distinguished Professor McMaster University, co-chair GRADE working group, co-convenor Cochrane GRADEing methods group.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
A new approach to evaluating loop inconsistency in network meta-analysis [June 2022]
Dr Becky Turner, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, London.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Network meta-analysis on disconnected evidence networks: What can be done? [August 2020]
Howard Thom, Lecturer in health economics and Research Fellow in statistical modelling, University of Bristol
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Identifying Effective Components of Complex Interventions: Component Network Meta-Analysis [April 2020]
Nicky J. Welton, Professor in Statistical and Health Economic Modelling (University of Bristol). Director, NICE Guidelines Technical Support Unit
Dr. Deborah M. Caldwell, Senior Lecturer in Public Health (University of Bristol). Co-convenor, Comparing Multiple Interventions Methods Group & Deputy Director, NICE Guidelines Technical Support Unit
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
GRADE approach to rate the certainty of evidence from Network Meta-Analysis and Summary of Findings Tables [February 2020]
Holger Schünemann, professor, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence & Impact and Department of Medicine, McMaster University
Dr. Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, & Impact, McMaster University
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Question formulation and protocol development for systematic reviews with network meta-analysis [November 2019]
Anna Chaimani, co-convenor, Cochrane Statistical Methods Group & Cochrane Comparing Multiple Interventions Methods Group
Dr. Tianjing Li, Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado, Denver, USA
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
'Summary of findings' tables in network meta-analysis (NMA) [February 2018]
Juan José Yepes-Nuñez and Holger J Schünemann, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI), McMaster University, Canada
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
A comparison of arm-based and contrast-based approaches to network meta-analysis [June 2017]
Ian White, University College London, UK
Dr Emily Karahalios, Monash University, Australia
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
2. Tools
R package 'crossnma' to synthesize cross-design evidence and cross-format data using network meta-analysis and network meta-regression
Tasnim Hamza, Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern.
Guido Schwarzer, statistician, Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center, University of Freiburg, Germany
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
The ROB-MEN tool to evaluate the risk of bias due to missing evidence in network meta-analysis [May 2022]
Virginia Chiocchia, PhD candidate in Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
NMAstudio: a fully interactive tool for network meta-analyses [February 2022]
Silvia Metelli, Marie Skołodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at Université de Paris.
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
CINeMA – Confidence in network meta-analysis [January 2020]
Georgia Salanti, associate professor in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Bern
Theodore Papakonstantinou, postdoctoral researcher, University of Bern
Adriani Nikolakopoulou, postdoctoral researcher, University of Bern
Virginia Chiocchia, PhD student in Biostatistics, University of Bern
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
MetaInsight: The Complex Review Support Unit (CRSU) network meta-analysis (NMA) web-based app [December 2019]
Alex Sutton & Yiqiao Xin, members of the NIHR Complex Review Support Unit
[click here for recording and accompanying materials]
3. Dissemination and editorial considerations
How to disseminate reviews with network meta-analysis (NMA) [May 2020]
Andrea Cipriani, Professor of Psychiatry and NIHR Research Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford. Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
Gill Norman, research fellow, University of Manchester. Editor, author and methodologist, Cochrane Wounds
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Editorial considerations in reviews with network meta-analysis [March 2020]
Kerry Dwan, methods support unit lead and statistical editor, Cochrane Editorial and Methods Department
Liz Bickerdike, Associate Editor, Acute & Emergency Care Network and the Abdomen & Endocrine Network
[click here for recording & accompanying materials]
Aside from this webinar collection, we have an online learning module Introducing network meta-analysis as part of Cochrane Interactive Learning.