Here you will find a series of case studies of partnerships in action within a range of Cochrane Groups. These talk about the background to the partnership, its development, the benefit to both sides and tips for Groups.
If you have examples of partnership work that you would like to share, please contact Cochrane KT Department.
Cancer Review Group Network identifies potential stakeholders across the network in a mapping exercise
Partners(s): The Cochrane Cancer Review Group Network worked with all Review Groups in the network to
identify existing and potential stakeholders, and to share this information across the Network with the aim of building and understanding of the current situation and identifying opportunities for the future.
Partnership activities: The resulting list of 180 Stakeholder groups can be used by Cochrane Review Groups in
the Network to more easily identify stakeholders who may be interested in specific activities such as the prioritization of topics. It may also be used at the Network level to be able to identify possible strategic partners
to provide guidance and input from their perspectives.
Type of partnership agreement: N/A
Date: 2020
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Cochrane Airways and a UK based charity, Asthma UK
Partnership activities: Prioritization of topics, joint production of reviews, dissemination of evidence
Type of partnership agreement: informal
Date: 2018
Cochrane Oral Health and their Global Alliance of Partners
Partnership activities: Provision of funding to support Cochrane review production, prioritization of topics, training and review author support
Type of partnership agreement: formal
Date: 2018
Cochrane Rehabilitation and various national societies of rehabilitation medicine
Partnership activities: Translation and dissemination of relevant Cochrane evidence to users, advocacy of Cochrane
Type of partnership agreement: formal (memorandum of understanding)
Date: 2018
Cochrane Rehabilitation and the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Partnership activities: Promotion of research methods and use of evidence in the rehabilitation field, Strategic advice, dissemination of evidence to users
Date: 2018
Cochrane Child Health and TREKK (Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids)
Partner(s): TREKK, a Canadian organisation committed to improving emergency care for children and families across Canada.
Partnership activities: identification of high quality evidence and development of KT tools for healthcare practitioners and parents, made available through the TREKK website.
Type of partnership agreement: formal
Date: 2018
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Further examples
Here you can find links to a range of further examples of partnerships taking place across Cochrane.
Partnership for priority setting
- Neuro-Oncology Group Priority Setting Partnership
- Developing a research agenda for ENT, Hearing and Balance Care
Partnership for review dissemination
- BMJ partners with Cochrane Clinical Answers to boost knowledge at the point of care
- Cochrane UK partnership with Mediwikis
- Cochrane Airways working with Sense about Science
Partnership for guideline development
- Cochrane Eyes and Vision partnering with American Academy of Ophthalmology
- South African Guidelines Excellence project
- Cochrane Incontinence: working with guideline developers
Partnership for consumer engagement
- Consumers United for Evidence-Based Healthcare (CUE)
- PartecipaSalute: Involving patients, citizens and their association in research
- Consumer/patient engagement Cochrane Child Health