Title formats

Title formats
Title formats

Titles of Cochrane reviews are formatted according to the type of review. Titles should adhere to the standard formats for each review type.

Cochrane Reviews of Interventions

Titles should adhere to the standard formats shown in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, Section II.1.3.

Cochrane Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy

Titles should adhere to one of the formats shown in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy, Chapter 1, Section 1.4 and Table 1.4.a.

Cochrane Reviews of Prognosis

Titles should adhere to one of the following formats:

Incidence of [outcome] within [time] in [population]
[Prognostic factors] for predicting incidence of [outcome] in [population]
Prediction of [outcome] in [population] using [prognostic factors]
Prognostic models for predicting [outcome] in [population]
Performance of [prognostic model] for predicting [outcome] in [population]
Added/Incremental value of [prognostic factor] on top of [existing prognostic factors/prognostic model] for predicting [outcome] in [population]
[Predictive factors] predicting the [outcome of treatment] in [population]
[Factors / Models] predicting differential treatment response in [population]
[Factors / Models] for predicting treatment response in [population]

Cochrane Overviews

Titles should adhere to one of the following formats and should always end with "an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews" or an appropriately worded variation.

Format Example
Interventions for [health problem/issue] Interventions for bronchiectasis: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews
[Intervention] for [health problem/issue]  Adhesion prevention agents for gynaecological surgery: an overview of Cochrane reviews
[Intervention] for [health problem/issue] in [participant group] Blood products for the prevention of intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants: an overview of systematic reviews

Cochrane Reviews of Qualitative Evidence Synthesis

Titles should be brief and reflect closely the main objective of the review. Titles should always end with “a qualitative evidence synthesis”. Where a Qualitative Evidence Synthesis is linked to a published Cochrane review of interventions, consider using terms for the population, intervention or phenomena of interest similar to those used in that review.

Cochrane Methodology Reviews

Titles should adhere to one of the following formats:

Format Example
[Method] for [methodological problem/issue] Methods for obtaining unpublished data
[Method A] versus [Method B] for [methodological problem/issue] Blinded versus unblinded assessments of risk of bias in studies included in a systematic review