This page provides links to documentation and training materials for the use of study centric data management and analysis, which allows you to set up your review criteria and analyses within RevMan in advance. In this approach, you will:
- PLAN your review criteria: start your study centric data management at protocol stage; or as you begin working on your review or update. Set up your review criteria and analyses in RevMan.
- PREPARE your templates: create data extraction templates to match your chosen criteria.
- POPULATE your analyses: import your study data files into RevMan and your analyses will be automatically populated.
Click on the tile below to open an interactive infographic providing a birds-eye view of the study centric approach in RevMan.
RevMan Web Knowledge base
Find full instructions on study centric data management in the RevMan Knowledge Base.
Access recordings of recent webinars about study centric data analysis and management:
How study centric data management in RevMan makes systematic review production quicker and easier (May 10 & 11, 2023)
Study centric data analysis and data management in RevMan: methodological background and practical application (May 24 & 25, 2023)
Try out the study centric data approach on a practice review in RevMan. Here are the files you will need:
- Self-guided practical: step-by-step guide for setting up a study centric data analysis [Word file]
- Study information [CSV/Excel file]
- Study arms [CSV/Excel file]
- Study results [CSV/Excel file]
Methodological background
Study centric data management and analysis are underpinned by methods explicated in the following key resources:
- Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions, in particular:
- The Intervention Synthesis Questions (InSynQ) checklist and guide for developing and reporting the questions addressed in systematic reviews of interventions