On this page you can find the content from A day with…Information Retrieval Methods Group virtual event, which took place on 22 October 2020.
PROGRAMME (22 October 2020)
Watch a brief video introducing the IRMG, its people, its work and find out ways to get involved.
A collection of online resources compiled for the day. As part of the collection, we offered special free access to the Cochrane Interactive Learning module 3: Searching for studies from October 8th until November 5th 2020.
WHAT'S NEW... [Click on the presentation titles below to watch the recordings]
This was a 90-min live session with a series of brief presentations and Q&A, focusing on guidance on searching for and selecting studies in various sections of the newly revised Cochrane Handbook.
Download slides: [PDF]
Presentation 2:
Download slides: [PDF]
Presentation 3:
Download slides: [PDF]
Presentation 4:
Download slides: [PDF]
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Carol Lefebvre
IRMG Lead Convenor and lead author of the Searching for and selecting studies chapter of the Cochrane Handbook
Julie Glanville
IRMG Co-convenor and co-author of the Searching for and selecting studies chapter of the Cochrane Handbook
Andrew Booth
IRMG member and co-author of the Qualitative evidence chapter of the Cochrane Handbook
Su Golder
IRMG member and co-author of the Adverse effects chapter of the Cochrane Handbook
Session 1 [Watch the recording]
Session 2 [Watch the recording]
These were two 60-minute online panel sessions, hosted by experts from IRMG and focusing less on presentations and more on directly discussing and answering questions submitted by the community.
Panel of experts:
- Bernadette Coles, IRMG Co-ordinator and Cochrane Information Specialist
- Julie Glanville, IRMG Co-convenor and co-author of the Searching for and selecting studies chapter of the Cochrane Handbook
- Carol Lefebvre, IRMG Lead Convenor and lead author of the Searching for and selecting studies chapter of the Cochrane Handbook
- Anne Littlewood, IRMG member, co-author of the Searching for and selecting studies chapter of the Cochrane Handbook, Cochrane Information Specialist and Cochrane Information Specialists' Executive Co-convenor
- Alison Weightman, IRMG Co-convenor
A Twitter chat (#adaywithCochraneIRMG) was open during the event, providing opportunities for the community to interact with the Methods Group, raise and discuss methodological and other relevant issues and questions.
If you have any questions about A day with…Information Retrieval Methods Group contact us at support@cochrane.org
Are you interested in joining a Cochrane Methods Group? More info on how to join is available here.