Access the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy
About the Handbook
The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy is the official guide that describes in detail the process of preparing and maintaining systematic reviews of test accuracy for Cochrane. The Handbook has been produced by the Cochrane Screening and Diagnostic Test Methods Group. It is a guide for those conducting systematic reviews of test accuracy and a reference for more experienced authors. The Handbook will be updated regularly to reflect advances in systematic review methodology and in response to feedback from users.
Contact the Editors
For further information and for any Handbook enquiries, please contact support@cochrane.org.
The Handbook editorial team includes Jon Deeks, Patrick M Bossuyt (Senior Scientific Editors), Yemisi Takwoingi and Mariska M Leeflang (Associate Scientific Editors).
How to cite the Handbook
To cite the full Handbook available in PDFs on our website, please use the following:
Deeks JJ, Bossuyt PM, Leeflang MM, Takwoingi Y (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy. Version 2.0 (updated July 2023). Cochrane, 2023. Available from https://training.cochrane.org/handbook-diagnostic-test-accuracy/current.
To cite the print edition of the Handbook, please use:
Deeks JJ, Bossuyt PM, Leeflang MM, Takwoingi Y (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy. 1st edition. Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons, 2023
Details of how to cite individual chapters in either of these versions are available in each chapter.
Permission to re-use material from the Handbook
Academic or other non-commercial re-use of Handbook material
To request permission to re-use material from the Handbook for academic and non-commercial purposes, please fill in this short webform. This will be sent to the Cochrane Support team who will notify Jon Deeks and Patrick Bossuyt, the Handbook Senior Editors, as appropriate. If approved, these requests will be granted free of charge on condition that the source is acknowledged.
Commercial re-use of Handbook material
Commercial re-use includes any use of the Handbook that will be used in a product for which there is a monetary fee, and/or where it is associated in any way with any product or service. For all enquiries related to the commercial re-use of Handbook material please contact Wiley Global Permissions, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Request permission to re-use material from the Cochrane Handbook
Please only fill in this form if you intend to reproduce material from the Handbook using screenshots or lengthy direct quotations (more than 5 lines of text). You do not need to request permission to use short quotations (though these must be appropriately cited), or to cite the Handbook as a source. See How to cite the Handbook.
Previous versions
Details on how the Handbook has changed compared to previous versions can be found on the Versions and changes page. More information on the process for updating the Handbook can be found here.
Archived copies of the following previous versions of the Handbook are available:
Version 1.0: 2013 [PDFs]
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