Review authors must develop a protocol before conducting a Cochrane Systematic Review. Protocols enhance research integrity by reducing the potential for bias and increasing the transparency of review methods. Protocol development requires authors to plan critical aspects of the review, consider potential methodological challenges, and ensure key decisions are made in advance.
This web clinic will highlight common errors in developing and writing protocols for Cochrane Systematic Reviews and will focus on tips to enhance protocol clarity and rigor.
Presenter Bios
Clare Miles is a Quality Assurance Editor in Cochrane’s Evidence Production and Methods Directorate. She joined Cochrane in 2023 and conducts methods peer reviews for Cochrane protocols, reviews, and updates. Before joining Cochrane, she was involved with Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews of healthcare interventions in academic and consultancy settings.
Jo-Ana Chase is the Methods Implementation Editor in Cochrane’s Evidence Production and Methods Directorate. She works closely with cross-functional teams and methodologists to ensure Cochrane continues to use rigorous, up-to-date, and innovative methods. Before joining Cochrane in 2023, she was a Program Officer in Research Synthesis for PCORI in Washington, DC and an Associate Professor at the University of Missouri, Sinclair School of Nursing.
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Thursday, 15 May 2025, 08:00 UTC [check the time in your timezone] SIGN UP HERE
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